Thursday, December 29, 2011

Anne Hathaway Sinks Her Claws Into Catwoman For 'The Dark Knight Rises'

The LA Times Hero Complex caught up with Anne Hathaway for an upcoming new interview, and talked up sinking her cat claws into the role of Batman's iconic feline arch enemy in The Dark Knight Rises.

"I love the costume," Hathaway said of the outfit she wore on the set as Catwoman after shooting a pivotal (and super spoiler-centric) scene in the highly anticipated film set eight years after 2008's The Dark Knight.

"I love the costume because everything has a purpose, nothing is in place for fantasy's sake, and that's the case with everything in Christopher Nolan's Gotham City," she revealed.

Director Christopher Nolan's leather jumpsuit update on the costume includes hi-tech goggles that sit atop her head like cat ears when not in use. Excluding paparazzi photos taken during exterior scenes, official pictures of Hathaway from the film have been scarce. Only quick glimpses of her (and one as Catwoman) are seen in the IMAX exclusive prologue currently screening with Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol.

"There's a lot of belief and codes of behavior in Gotham and my character has one, too," Hathaway said of Selina Kyle. 

"A lot of the way she moves and interacts with people is informed by her worldview. Chris has given us all such complex, defined, sophisticated worldviews that its just a matter of doing your homework and getting underneath the character's skin."

She is also keenly aware of how her portrayal of the character will be held up to the previous versions seen on film and television over the years.

“What’s come before doesn’t limit or even affect this new version,” Hathaway said. “It doesn’t affect me because each Catwoman – and this is true in the comics as well – she is defined by the context of the Gotham City created around her. Catwoman is so influenced by Gotham and whoever is creating Gotham at the time. Michelle Pfeiffer’s Catwoman was informed by Tim Burton’s Gotham and Eartha Kitt was informed by Adam West’s Gotham. You have to live in whatever the reality of the world is and whatever Gotham is.”

Check out the full article HERE, complete with further specifics and spoilers on a key scene involving Selina Kyle, Bane, and Bruce Wayne.

The Dark Knight Rises hits theatres July 20, 2012.

Source: LA Times

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