Tuesday, February 21, 2012

INTERVIEW: Phil Morris Talks The Future of Jackie Chiles

At the NYC Premiere of Justice League: Doom, Phil Morris, who voices the villainous immortal Vandal Savage in the animated feature, walked the red carpet, talked to the press, and participated in a post screening fan Q&A with fellow cast member Kevin Conroy (Batman) and dialogue director Andrea Romano.

Nerdy Rotten Scoundrel will get to reporting all things Justice League: Doom soon enough when the February 28th release date gets closer. While fielding questions from online reporters at the Paley Center, I had the opportunity to ask Morris a few things not directly to do with Doom.

The versatile character actor was open to talking about the many aspects of his career. From his numerous appearances in the various incarnations of Star Trek, to his recurring role as J’onn J'onzz, the Martian Manhunter in Smallville, and of course perhaps his most famous character, the outrageous fast talking attorney Jackie Chiles from Seinfeld.

Morris smiled and didn’t miss a beat when asked who Jackie might be partial to representing from the Justice League feature, the heroes or the villains.

Phil Morris at the Paley Center for Justice League: Doom
“He has to represent  the villains. They never win. They need help,” he said.

Then going right into the character’s unmistakable cadence and lower voice, “And Jackie could help them,” he asserted.

Elaborating further, “A lawyer always wants somebody who is in trouble because it always billable hours,” he laughed. Needless to say, the Legion of Doom would need a lot of legal help.

Morris reprised the memorable role years after Seinfeld finished its run on NBC by appearing in several Funny or Die skits in 2010.

I followed up by asking him if we have seen the last of Childs, or will fans get the opportunity to see the lawyer in action again via future online videos.

“There could be,“ he revealed. “I wrote and produced all those."

"I was very fortunate because they ran them by Jerry (Seinfeld) and Larry (David). They didn’t change a word of dialogue and said ‘You go with yourself young man and God love ya.’”

“I was really honored that they did because they are very protective of their legacy. For them to allow me to do that was just incredible, so I hope so,“ he said in hopes of revisiting the character again.


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