Thursday, December 20, 2012

Hugh Jackman Confirms Wolverine's Return In 'X-Men: Days of Future Past.'

Director Bryan Singer broke the news earlier this week on his Twitter account that Hugh Jackman will be joining his X-Men cast mates Sirs Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen along side X-Men: First Class stars Michael Fassbender, James McAvoy and Jennifer Lawrence for 2014's X-Men: Days of Future Past.

Now Jackman himself has confirmed via his own Twitter feed that Wolverine will indeed return for more Mutant action in the follow up to 2011's First Class, reprising the role even beyond next year's highly anticipated solo adventure The Wolverine. There has been little doubt that Jackman would reprise the role, considering his love for the character, support for the X-Men franchise and factoring in Singer back as director. It just seemed to be a matter of formality between the Aussie actor and 20th Century Fox. For the record, Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen have not been confirmed by Fox for the film. Their involvement has only been teased by Singer with his Twitter entry last month.

When I spoke to Ian McKellen earlier this month for Access Hollywood at the NYC junket for The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, despite his enthusiasm to return as Magneto, he admitted he has yet to see a script or even hear directly from Bryan Singer regarding the follow-up to X-Men: First Class.

To think for a second that McKellen will not participate in Days of Future Past is likely nearly impossible. All parties concerned want it to happen, so rest assured the next film in the series will accomodate the all the schedules of all the actors from both current and past casts who want to make an appearance.

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