Sunday, May 12, 2013

'Doctor Who' Season Finale Preview & Prequel Tease 'The Name of the Doctor''

Have we already burned through 12 of the 13 episodes of Doctor Who's seventh season? Is there only one new adventure left before the 50th Anniversary Special airs in November? Yes and yes.

Hot on the heels of last night's Neil Gaiman-penned Nightmare in Silver which saw the return of the updated Cybermen, the highly anticipated series finale is on deck for next Saturday. Let's just say with a title like The Name of the Doctor, expectations are set mighty high.

In addition to She Said, He Said, the three and a half minute prequel short to the season closer, the episode's actual trailer has been released which will see the return of River Song, Strax, Jenny, Madame Vastra and Richard E. Grant as the Great Intelligence.

Will we actually learn the name of the Doctor as it's teased in a not so subtle manner?  My money is on a big fat 'no' on that as far as us the audience is concerned. But I bet someone in the episode will find out, which will have major repercussions to play out in the 50th Anniversary Special. So if there is one thing we can proably look forward to on Saturday is a fifty years in the making Whovian cliffhanger to be continued in November where we can look forward to the much heralded return of David Tennant as the Tenth Doctor and Billie Piper as Rose Tyler.

Get your Sonic Screwdrivers set for The Name of the Doctor, which will air on BBC America next Saturday at 9PM.

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