Thursday, October 25, 2012

'Arrow' Episode 5 Preview Pics Target Deathstroke

Last night's tense episode of Arrow not only gave fans a not-so-subtle foreshadow to Laurel Lance's future as Black Canary, but brought Deathstroke fully into the show's storyline.

The DC Comics' villain was hinted at in the pilot episode, with a reveal of his mask on the shore of the desolate island where Oliver Queen spends five brutal years of survival, training, and torture.

Spoiler images to come. In the pics below from Damaged, the fifth episode set to air on November 7th, we can see that Deathstroke (Jeffrey Robinson) has a deadly violent past with Stephen Amell's Arrow ever before they crossed paths again in Starling City in last night's episode. So far Arrow has been gaining steady ground as a solid action packed show, with plenty of nods for comic book fans including Kelly Hu's recent turn as China White, plus upcoming appearances from The Royal Flush Gang and The Huntress.

Keep in mind we still have next week's episode, An Innocent Man, to go before Deathstroke is revealed in full costume on the island. Spoilers follow the preview...

From The CW on Episode 5, Damaged:
"DC COMICS’ VILLAIN DEATHSTROKE APPEARS ON THE ISLAND WITH OLIVER — After Detective Lance (Paul Blackthorne) arrests Oliver (Stephen Amell) for murder, Oliver tells Moira (Susanna Thompson) the only lawyer he’ll allow to represent him is Laurel (Katie Cassidy). Laurel takes the case which puts her at odds with her father. Oliver offers to take a polygraph in front Detective Lance but things get tense when Lance asks him if anyone else was on the island with him. Oliver flashes back to when he got his first scar, courtesy of Deathstroke (guest star Jeffrey Robinson). Colin Donnell, David Ramsey and Willa Holland also star. Michael Shultz directed the episode written by Wendy Mericle & Ben Sokolowski"

Arrow airs on The CW on Wedensdays at 9pm. An Innocent Man airs on October 31, and Damaged will air on November 7th.

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