Monday, August 13, 2012

THE INTERNET IS AWESOME: 'Baby Got Back' Sung By The Movies

Ok sure, it's a growing internet sensation, taking a song and plugging in the lyrics with scenes from movies that mirror the same words. Some are terrible, some are not, sometimes it simply just depends on the skills one has with Final Cut Pro. And admittedly, I was guilty of posting the 'Star Wars' Covers 'Call Me Maybe' video here on NerdyRottenScoundrel...

But since I sometimes neglect covering pop culture over straight forward geek news more often than I would care to admit to, therefore I present this new rendition of Sir Mix-A Lot's 1992 hit Baby Got Back as sung by more classic cinematic characters (spanning 295 movies to be exact), than you can shake a stick at...


SOURCE: DonDraperSaysWhat

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