Thursday, October 17, 2013

Pete Holmes Tackles BATMAN VS. SUPERMAN

There is no better riff on Christian Bale's Dark Knight Batman these days than the one courtesy of comedian Pete Holmes. His hysterical online shorts as the "Badman" on College Humor are all well worth watching. Holmes took to the stage at New York Comic Con this weekend to hype up his new late night TBS show, and judging by this video, he will be bringing his Batman parody along for the ride. He hits another home run with this send-up of the upcoming Batman Vs. Superman big screen epic.

Holmes also recently added X-Men to his target list to tear up. Hopefully we have a lot more comic book movie parodies to look forward to on his show.

Be sure to check out his Good Will Hunting Director's Cut parody starring Ben Affleck's Batman HERE.

The Pete Holmes Show debuts on October 28th after Conan on TBS.

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