Friday, September 13, 2013

Will Peter Davison Appear In The DOCTOR WHO 50th ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL?

While there has been nothing but a thick shroud of Deny Deny Deny on whether any of the actors who portrayed Classic Doctors would appear in the highly anticipated Who 50th Anniversary Special, The Day of the Doctor,  some interesting news has emerged from the Fifth Doctor, Peter Davison.

Following an alleged staged protest earlier this week outside of the BBC by Davison, Sixth Doctor Colin Baker and Seventh Doctor Sylvester McCoy, presumably captured for some sort of 50th Anniversary tie-in, he had some rather interesting snippets in store for a interview on Daybreak regarding the landmark 75-minute episode.

“I’ve heard lots of rumors, none of which I’m allowed to tell you anything about. I’m privy to them, actually,” Davison said.

“I have got a copy of the script which has got my name embossed across it. So it’s top secret, but there’s other stuff, lots of other things that are going on that people should keep their eye open for around the 50th-anniversary special!”

So Davison has a personal copy of The Day of the Doctor's script with his name on it in addition to being in the know all about the production? That does seem a bit odd for someone who is supposedly not involved with the half century in the making episode. Granted he has been involved with the Modern Doctors, appearing in the Time Crash short alongside David Tennant (and his son-in-law), so the script may just be a gift from the production as well.

I sat down with Davison for an interview last year at New York Comic Con, and at the time he told me he would be a happy participant, but had not heard from Who show runner Steven Moffat.
"Honestly I have not heard anything at all, so I don't know. I'd be very happy to take part in whatever they want me to take part in. I'm just worried that it might be a little difficult to do it and make it work as a proper story. Unless it was a special, almost a bit like David and I did. He's very resourceful Steven [Moffat], so he might come up with the way of doing it, who knows." 
Of course that was nearly a year ago and a lot has changed. The surviving Doctors will be heard on The Light At The End, a radio drama that will team all the Classic Time Lords together for one adventure, there are rumors Paul McGann has filmed a regeneration scene to bridge into John Hurt's dark Doctor introduction, and if the BBC can get Davison, Baker, and McCoy for a faux protest, the odds towards some exciting previously denied surprises may be on deck for November 23rd. But you can be certain Davison and many others will be involved in the overall celebration of the show's anniversary in some manner.

While much involved with the rich history of Doctor Who is being underplayed to the press in regards to The Day of the Doctor, I'm sure there are a few major tricks waiting to be sprung upon us on November 23rd. Though the biggest surprise would be any participation by Christopher Eccleston, who unfortunately for fans has shunned association with the episode, and anything to do with Doctor Who for that matter.

You can read my full two-part 2012 NYCC interview with Peter Davison HERE and HERE.

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