Tuesday, February 12, 2013

TOY FAIR 2013: Klingons Invade Hasbro's 'Star Trek Into Darkness' Toy Line

The usual cloaking device J.J. Abrams has surrounding his projects is bar none and typically bulletproof. However sometimes even he can't escape inevitable leaks when logistics in marketing necessitate that let proverbial cats out of the bag before he would like to.

That said, with appearances at the 2013 Toy Fair at the Hasbro Showroom in the form of Kre-O figures, I think its safe to assume Scotty could say "Sir, there be Klingons here" when Star Trek Into Darkness opens. Absent for the 2009 big screen reboot of the series, but in the second adventure we will get to see what the iconic warriors look like in the rebooted Star Trek timeline.

On display in the Times Square Hasbro Showroom are several Klingon Kre-O figures as well as a Bird of Prey, Battle Cruiser and a fellow wrecking havoc with Scotty in a transporter playset (inspired from a scene from the film).

While we have been endlessly burning the midnight hour over whether Benedict Cumberbatch is playing Khan or not in the film (and hey, that might be an unnamed Cumberbatch-based figure pictured below dressed in a blue shirt as well), we have sadly forgotten about the other great villains in the Star Trek universe who are rightfully set to return.

Though it should be noted the Klingons were originally intended to appear in Star Trek, and a scene was filmed with Abrams' Alias alum Victor Garber under the heavy helmet torturing Nero (Eric Bana), but it was left on the cutting room floor.

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