Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Leonard Nimoy Is 'Counting The Days' Until 'Star Trek Into Darkness' Hits Theaters

It's nice to know that every once in a while, if you request an e-mail response from a sci-fi icon, you may very well get an answer. Leonard Nimoy took the time to write back TrekWeb.com after the site asked him to share his thoughts regarding the upcoming Star Trek Into Darkness.

From what we have seen so far, J.J. Abrams' sequel to his blockbuster 2009 reboot of the iconic series is sure to again be a hit with old and new fans alike, even without Nimoy making a return appearance as Spock Prime to bridge the old and new timelines. Well, as far as we know, Nimoy will not be involved this time out. But there are numerous things being kept under wraps about the film.

Here is Mr. Nimoy's enthusiastic response to TrekWeb:
"At this moment I have seen only what millions of others have seen of the new film. I have been pleased to hear from my children and grandchildren that they think it looks 'awesome.' I agree. I'm as excited as anyone can be, particularly considering my own history with Star Trek. The casting is so creative and JJ Abrams' skill in storytelling is well established. I'm counting the days to opening. Leonard Nimoy"
A special nine-minute preview of the film has been playing in IMAX 3D with The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey since December 14.

Star Trek Into Darkness, directed by J.J. Abrams, is set to hit theaters on May 17, 2013, and stars Chris Pine (Kirk), Zachary Quinto (Spock), Simon  Pegg (Scotty), Karl Urban (McCoy), Zoe Saldana (Uhura), Anton Yelchin (Chekov), John Cho (Sulu) and Benedict Cumberbatch (as the yet-to-be-named bad guy).


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