Friday, December 7, 2012

Could 'Star Wars' Be In Peter Jackson's Future?

Today I had the privilege of sitting down with Peter Jackson for a one-on-one interview at the press junket for The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey in  New York City, which in unto itself is too geek cool to even think too hard about.

I was on assignment reporting for Access Hollywood, and a much as I would like to immediately detail every single word of what transpired during the interviews with Jackson and the other cast members, the reality of it is I can share only the material that is first posted on their website or broadcast on their shows. So expect bits and pieces of my interviews to pop up here in the next week or so, as they become available.

That said, while I certainly did have the pleasure to chat with the visionary director/writer and producer on all things The Hobbit, I could not in good geek conscience let him go without asking about the upcoming trilogy of Star Wars films, or the planned spin-offs. And frankly, which director has not or will not be asked about them in the next year or so, muck less Peter Jackson?

Would the master of Middle Earth consider crossing over into a galaxy far far away?

Star Wars? I dunno. I’ve never really thought about it. I’m busy for the next couple of years, he said with a laugh, as he is still has weeks of pick-ups to do for the next two Hobbit films next year. "So I’m off the cards for the next Star Wars film unfortunately.” So scratch off at least Episode VII.

“But, I’ve got huge admiration for what George [Lucas] created. He did what [J.R.R.] Tolkien did, really,” Jackson said. "He created a mythology.

"I don’t know. Someone would have to ask me and I’d have to have a very serious think about it.”

Completing the next two films in the trilogy will conceivably keep Jackson insanely busy, and off the map for outside projects until 2014, when The Hobbit: There And Back Again is released. Star Wars: Episode VII is set for the big screen in 2015, which makes him a possible candidate for Episodes VIII and IX.

Obviously all of this is 150% (or more) fan boy speculation here, but that is the factual timetable as it stands, and now we have an insight into how he feels on the matter.

Hey Disney, all you need to do is ASK HIM!!!

And of course, if any involvement with Star Wars were to move forward, Jackson may be better suited or interested in expanding that universe in one of the off-shoot films, which would give him far more freedom to make his own mark rather than work within the parameters of the sequel trilogy that Lucas has already plotted out.

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