Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Circle Is Complete, Carrie Fisher Wants In For Next 'Star Wars' Trilogy

So we've heard sorta rumblings from Mark Hamill and Harrison Ford regarding their reactions for a return in Star Wars: Episodes VII, VIII, and IX. Last in line to complete the SW Trinity reunion is Carrie Fisher.

OK, not to slight Chewbacca, C-3P0, and R2-D2 on this, but Peter Mayhew reprised his role as the iconic Wookie in Episode III, and Anthony Daniels has been actively portraying C-3P0 in various forms since 1977. Original Trilogy fans are ecstatic at the possibility of finally seeing Luke, Han, and Leia back on the big screen together thirty years after Return of the Jedi, wrinkles and all.

TMZ caught up with our Princess Leia at LAX (caught up with as in stuck a camera in her face), and let loose with their form of assault 'journalism.'  The good news for us is they went right for the Star Wars jugular.

When asked how she felt that Leia is now a Disney Princess, she answered, "Fantastic. Made my day."

As far her response to if she wants to appear in the new Star Wars movie, Episode VII, "Yes, sure. Wouldn't you?" That'a a big 'yes' in my book, knowing she is sworn to secrecy to whatever she knows so far.

Although Mark Hamill revealed to Entertaiment Weekly that he and Fisher met with George Lucas last summer, and the sequel trilogy was indeed discussed, this is the first we have heard from her regarding anything to do with the new films since Disney bought Lucasfilm last week.

Good work TMZ, journalistic integrity be damned.


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