Thursday, August 2, 2012

TRAILER: 'Doctor Who' Season 7

BBC released the new trailer to the Seventh Season (or Series Seven as they say across the pond) to Doctor Who, set to debut sometime this fall. While Matt Smith returns as the space hopping Time Lord for his third go round, this season promises a sad goodbye to his long time companions Amy and Rory.

The epsiode, which will air around the midpoint of the fourteen new adventures, was shot in New York City and will feature the fan favorite villains the Weeping Angels, as well and the return of River Song.

The Doctor will find himself a new companion in Jenna-Louise Coleman, who was announced to join the cast earlier this year, and will be introduced in the Doctor Who Christmas Special. There is no set air date for the series premiere or the Christmas Special as of yet, but it all promises to build up for the franchise's huge 50th Anniversary celebration in 2013.


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