Saturday, July 28, 2012

LOCAL NEWS: Queens Versus Brooklyn In 'Epic Water Balloon Fight'

I'm taking a side step today to cover a fun local story off the beaten path for, because at the end of the day, I love fun events in my hometown of Astoria, and everyone can appreciate a good water balloon battle!

On the East Side of Astoria Park wearing blue and white, stood the water balloon armed warriors representing Queens. On the West Side in dark blue and gold, was the opposing force from Brooklyn. Today the two boroughs braved a misty overcast Saturday afternoon to battle it out over local pride with some epic summer waterpark fun and the Hellgate Bridge right overhead.

According to the event's Facebook Page 
"I think we all can agree that there is a certain rift between the 'People from Queens' and the 'Brooklynites.' Whatever that rift may be I think its time for a common gathering to quell the contrasting beliefs that we have for one another....because quiet honestly....we are all New Yorkers.

So on Saturday July 28th there will be an Epic Waterballoon Fight in Astoria Park. Queens will square off against Brooklyn in an all out war of water."
Queens had the clear advantage in numbers and ammunition over Brooklyn, but truthfully, the locals from Astoria had far less hassle and travel time involved when it came to the transport of their balloons through the boroughs. That said, each side fought with fierce spirit, and took the time for talking last minute smack from across the park in the moments before the horn sounded at 3:45 PM for the charge and launch of the balloons.

Fun was had by all, the water war concluded with a round of handshakes and an after party appropriately held at Bohemian Hall, Astoria's beer garden that has been a historical landmark of NYC for over a hundred years.

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