Monday, June 11, 2012

Emma Stone Talks Up Her 'Amazing Spider-Man' Audition

Check out Part One of these interviews with Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone from this weekend's press junket for The Amazing Spider-Man.

While doing the rounds in New York City, the cast of the highly anticipated reboot of the Marvel wall crawling superhero stopped by the Access Hollywood shooting suite to chat with the show's resident Spidey Expert: Scott Mantz.

First up is Emma Stone who plays Peter Parker's high school classmate and love interest Gwen Stacy.

In the interest of full disclosure, I will say I'm a bit partial here with theses interviews as I was shooting Andrew, Emma, and the rest of the cast in the AH Shooting Suite while getting to nerd out with Movie Mantz.

The Amazing Spider-Man swings onto 3D and IMAX 3D screens on July 3rd. I have seen the film, and will have a full detailed review closer to the release date.


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