Friday, February 24, 2012

FIRST LOOK: Five Minutes From 'John Carter'

Yahoo! Movies has an exclusive five minute clip from Disney's John CarterDeadline reported that the film has been tracking poorly and that Disney is in line to take a huge loss on the film that reportedly cost upwards of $250 million. It certainly looks like an expensive movie. The FX here look solid, but you have to admit that this scene is very reminiscent of the green scene heavy arena battle from Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones. Though that is probably the least of the worries for the execs at the House of Mouse come opening weekend.

Early leaked reviews have been somewhat promising, but the overall marketing on the film has been confusing, if not unclear regarding many aspects of the film, including that the movie takes place on Mars, or that John Cater is a Confederate Civil War soldier. Based on Edgar Rice Burroughs' novel A Princess of Mars, the film was renamed John Carter of Mars during production, and then shortened to simply John Carter, a title that ultimately says virtually nothing from a marketing standpoint. 

That said, John Carter opens March 9th.


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