Thursday, February 16, 2012

Bane Will Once Again 'Break The Bat' In DC's New 52

DC Comics has had major success with the relaunch of their entire line of superheroes under The New 52 banner last August. New origins, new costumes, and new continuities all play a part in the reboot of the best known characters in the DC regime.

Entertainment Weekly scored a preview of the upcoming Batman: The Dark Knight #6, featuring the first look of the revamped version of Bane in DC's The New 52 universe. 

Bane was the Caped Crusader's arch enemy who literally "broke the Bat" by snapping his back over his knee in the 1993 story arc Knightfall, leaving the Gotham City hero crippled.

What is interesting about the upcoming cover is that it pays literal and full homage to that iconic storyline, suggesting that Bane will once again prove to be Batman's ultimate foe, and that there may not be a complete revised encounter for which he is famous for.

Bane was also Christopher Nolan's choice to be the main adversary in this summer's final film in his Batman trilogy, The Dark Knight Rises, and will be played by Tom Hardy. While the big screen version retains the general masked appearance of the character, it will be grounded in lot more in reality, a staple in Nolan's storytelling. Even so much that Hardy is also physically not as tall as Christian Bale. The trailer to The Dark Knight Rises has brief glimpses of Bane looking down upon a beaten Bruce Wayne in addition to several shots of the playboy millionaire limping around with a cane. So there is a strong possibility that the film may mirror Knightfall in some key plot points.

The comic book version portrays Bane as a super powerful steroid enhanced behemoth who outsmarts and easily overpowers The Dark Knight. In comparing the Knightfall cover to the new cover, there does not appear to be a major deviation, with little changes made to Bane's appearance from his size, to the mask, to some extra tubes that inject him with Venom (the drug that gives him his enhanced strength).

In director Zack Snyder's upcoming big screen version of Superman, the iconic costume was adjusted by doing away with the character's red outer underwear briefs. The New 52 version of the Man of Steel followed suit with a similar adjustment. It is possible that this new version of Bane may take a subtle step from Nolan's version as well to keep some continuity between the comics and movies. Depending on what details Nolan has actually shared about his Bane with DC. 

Batman: The Dark Knight #6  hits the shelves on February 22. You can also check out EW's special four page preview, complete with an appearance by Superman, by hitting the jump below.

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