Tuesday, January 28, 2014

PETER CAPALDI's New Look As The Twelfth Doctor Revealed!

“He's woven the future from the cloth of the past. Simple, stark, and back to basics. No frills, no scarf, no messing, just 100 per cent Rebel Time Lord,” says Peter Capaldi about the look of the Twelfth Doctor's.

Via Twitter, BBC has revealed Peter Capaldi's threads as the Doctor. When the 55-year old Scotsman made a brief post-regeneration appearance at the conclusion of The Time of the Doctor, he was still wearing the clothes of the Eleventh Doctor. We now have a the full reveal of what Capaldi will be wearing in Doctor Who's upcoming Season Eight. 

Per BBC:
"A brand-new era of Doctor Who begins as the Time Lord dons a new look. Each incarnation of the Doctor has his own original style, and BBC AMERICA has just released the first photo of the Twelfth Doctor’s costume. Sporting a dark blue Crombie coat with red lining, dark blue trousers, a white shirt as well as black Doc Marten shoes, the look was created by Doctor Who costume designer Howard Burden. Commenting on his costume, Peter Capaldi said: “He's woven the future from the cloth of the past. Simple, stark, and back to basics. No frills, no scarf, no messing, just 100 per cent Rebel Time Lord.” While lead writer and executive producer Steven Moffatadded: “New Doctor, new era, and of course new clothes. Monsters of the universe, the vacation is over - Capaldi is suited and booted and coming to get you!” This new look will be featured in the series when Doctor Who returns to BBC AMERICA later this year. Filming on the upcoming season, which also stars Jenna Coleman (Death Comes to Pemberley) as companion Clara, is currently underway in Cardiff."

Check Out All 25 X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST Empire Magazine Covers!

Empire Magazine had a huge day of online X-clusives yesterday, releasing an X-Men: Days of Future Past character cover each hour until 25 in all were revealed. In addition, they form a panorama when viewed in sequentially.

Among the new images are past and future incarnations of Professor X, Magneto, Wolverine, and a Sentinel. We get first looks at Bishop, Sunspot, Toad, William Stryker, Blink, Havok, Warpath and Colossus.  Fan favorites like Storm, Mystique, Kitty Pryde, Iceman and Beast make a welcome return. Also interesting to note that Anna Paquin's Rogue still has a spot in the line-up despite that director Bryan Singer revealed the sequence Rogue was featured in has already been cut from the film in post production (but will be a home video extra).

Some fans appear none too pleased with the Quicksilver cover. There has been some noted disappointment in the costume and overall look Evan Peters is sporting as the Mutant with super speed. Since it's likely Quicksilver will be featured on the '70s timeline, I don't think a slick leather or armored outfit is something we should expect, but more of a home made retro look. This film looks absolutely awesome, and it's a shame some fans will nonetheless pounce on the first thing that doesn't meet their particular expectation or transition to the big screen.


X-Men: Days of Future Past, set for May 23rd, 2014 in 3D.

Directed by Bryan Singer, the film boasts an all-star line-up including Hugh Jackman (Wolverine), Jennifer Lawrence (Mystique), James McAvoy (Charles Xavier), Michael Fassbender (Erik Lehnsherr), Patrick Stewart (Professor X), Ian McKellen (Magneto), Nicholas Hoult (Beast), Peter Dinklage (Dr. Bolivar Trask), Halle Berry (Storm), Ellen Page (Kitty Pryde), Shawn Ashmore (Iceman), Omar Sy (Bishop), Anna Paquin (Rogue), Fan Bingbing (Blink), Daniel Cudmore (Colossus), Boo Boo Stewart (Warpath), Evan Peters (Quicksilver), Josh Helman (William Stryker), Adan Canto (Sunspot) and Lucas Till (Havok).

SOURCE: Empire Magazine

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

First Look Image of Peter Capaldi On The Set of DOCTOR WHO Is Revealed!

The BBC has released the first official pic of Peter Capaldi on the Cardiff, Wales set of Doctor Who along side Jenna Coleman. It is the first day of filming in 2014 for Capaldi as the Twelfth Doctor, who was first fully seen briefly at the conclusion of the Who Christmas Special, The Time of the Doctor.

This sneak peek does not provide us with a full reveal of the newest incarnation of the iconic Time Lord. The 55-year old Capaldi is seen wearing the clothes of the Eleventh Doctor, played by Matt Smith. So this image is probably taken from an early scene in the episode, and the newly regenerated Doctor has yet to pick out his new threads.

Filming on series eight is scheduled to go to August, and new episodes are expected to air in the fall of 2014.

From the BBC:
The new Doctor, Peter Capaldi, stepped on set today for his first full day of filming as production begins on series 8 of the hit BBC show. 
10.2 million tuned-in on Christmas Day to get their first glimpse of Capaldi in one of TV’s most iconic roles in the festive special The Time of the Doctor, which saw Matt Smith hang-up his bow tie after 4 years in the role.
Capaldi was revealed as the Doctor in a live BBC One show in August, after months of speculation about the next Doctor’s identity.
Arriving on set in Cardiff to begin filming, Peter Capaldi said:
“New job, first day, slightly nervous. Just like the Doctor, I'm emerging from the TARDIS into a whole other world.”
It should be noted that Capaldi is officially considered the Twelfth Doctor. While the regeneration count is at thirteen when including John Hurt's War Doctor and Tennant's re-deux, the numbering of the Doctors remains intact. Thankfully this ends the rampant speculation that arose surrounding the events of the 50th Anniversary regarding what "number" Capaldi's Doctor would be.